Saturday, April 4, 2009
A Proud Day for Iowa
It is time that we take a step back, look around, and take giant leaps forward. It is time that we remember that all people are equal and deserve equal rights in all areas of life. What a proud day for Iowa! I hope many states follow our example.
As always there are negative feelings toward this step in the right direction. Let us remember that any church can deny a marriage request for any reason. This will not change and we should not expect it to. This will not "re-define" marriage for, say, the Catholic church. Or for any other church that does not feel the need to recognize the rights of all people. There is a reason that church and state are separated.
What other argument is there? Either your definition of marriage is shaped by your religion or it's not. If it is, continue to move forward living your life as your religion dictates that you do. I will continue to disagree with you, in respectful silence.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Before & After ~ The Haircut
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Beautiful Day!
We went to Kohl's - where he throughly enjoyed riding in the stoller carts they have. (Yes, I have made a mental note of this.) Then we moved on to Target...where he was again wonderful. Then, after dropping off the frozen foods at home, we went to Hy-Vee and enjoyed a very early dinner - just the three of us!
He was perfect. He couldn't have been a better baby. He waved to all the old ladies, he waved to all the cute girls, all the other babies. He pointed at everything and called everything "Da da." (While I said "Ma ma.") Then we came home and played in the backyard...

Ahhhh....what a beautiful day!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Random Picture

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Messy Faces

A Twitter friend turned me on to this great website I ♥ Faces. This week's theme is messy faces. I can't wait to go back and check out some other people's favorite messy faces! Obviously I'm an amateur, but I hope you enjoy regardless!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
25 Things About Me!
OK - I wrote the following note for Facebook so I thought I'd just use it twice!
1. I LOVE being a mom.
2. Being a mom is the best/worst/hardest/easiest job I have ever had. Did I mention I LOVE being a mom?
3. I love to read - anytime, anywhere, almost anything.
4. I love to write.
5. I started a blog (see #4) and am frustrated that I do not have much time to write posts!
6. My favorite season is Fall. I enjoy everything about it!
7. I was extremely sick for a couple of years and most of my friendships ended in these two years.
8. My husband was at my side EVERY SECOND that I was sick. He spent EVERY night in the hospital with me BOTH times.
9. I knew that I would marry Chris because of #8.
10. I would be OK with never watching TV again.
11. I would die if someone took my computer away!
12. I often wish that I had a brother or a sister.
13. I'm extremely close to my mom and I can talk to her about anything.
14. I regret not going to college past a two year degree.
15. I am CRAZY organized at work and if I have to study for something. But at home...I'm a mess.
16. I hate my hair.
17. I never pump my own gas. Seriously, I don't. (But I could if I had to.)
18. I am EXTREMELY sensitive and cry easily.
19. If I could live anywhere, I would live in northern Minnesota.
20. I have never had a job that I was passionate about. I get sick of a job within a few years and have to move on.
21. The only kind of movies I like to watch are comedies. I don't like to cry or be scared, but I love to laugh!
22. I LOVE the old TV show M*A*S*H. I have seen EVERY episode, OWN every episode and can quote that show like nobody's buisness.
23. I played clarinet for 8 years and I am proud that I was a band geek for 8 years. I actually miss it.
24. I drive way too fast when Liam is not with me.
25. We have been remodeling our house for almost 2 years now and I am sick of it!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Will Remember...
I promise you that I will remember the first time that I saw you. I promise that I will remember the first time that I held you, that I watched your daddy hold you, the look in my mom's eyes as she watched me holding you for the first time.
I promise you that I will never forget how you knew exactly what to do when I nursed you for the first time. I will always remember that you taught me how to do it.
I promise you that I will remember how hard the first few weeks were, how tired I was, how my recovery was difficult. I promise that I will remember how much I loved you through this time.
I promise you that I will remember the first time that you smiled. I'll never forget standing over you and taking pictures as fast as I could, so that no one would be able to forget that moment.
I promise you that I will remember the first day that I left you at daycare. I promise that I will always remember how lonely I was. I promise that I will remember the first time day care called and asked if they could give you formula. I will remember how I felt that I had failed you.
I promise you that I will remember the first time I fed you cereal, the first time you splashed me in the bath, the first time you pulled off my glasses, daddy's hat. I will remember the first time you sat up, rolled over, crawled, reached for me, stood up; said dada and mama - and then proceded to call the dog dada or mama and never me and daddy.
I promise you that I will remember how you smile at me when I pick you up after your nap. I will remember how loudly you cried for me in the middle of the night and I will remember all the time that we spent together in your room - just you and me; when it felt like the rest of the world was asleep, we were awake together, just you and me.
I promise you that I will remember every moment with you as long as I can. And I promise you that I will always love you as much as any mom can love a son as wonderful and beautiful as you.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Not Me Monday!

First of all I have to confess that I am NOT letting my husband sleep in the recliner in our son's room just so that I can get this done without being interrupted. Also, I am quite certain that I DID NOT have Cheetos, M&M's and Sprite for dinner on Friday night. I would never do such a thing.
I can also say with some confidence that I DID NOT let Liam rip up one of my magazines just so that I could get the bills paid. I would not let him "play" with such things, no matter how much he enjoyed it.
Oh - and Liam is not getting older (and taller, and bigger) every single day. Therefore, I am not freaking out and starting to think to myself - "When did he get so big? My little boy is growing up!" I'm so thankful I DID NOT have the fleeting thought of "When there will be another baby in the house?!?!"
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Random Picture